Daddy, I just want to thank you for continuing to impart your strength, courage, and knowledge in me. For continuing to inspire me daily to fight for your Justice with the same tenacity that I watched you embody in the fight for your life. I was there when the doctors did not expect you to live, and thought it best to pull the plug. But God has the last word, and he decided that he would allow you to stay a while longer. So, I thank God for the miracle of your life. Remember, we are in this fight together, and defeat is not in our vocabulary. Our life experience and this ordeal has been a constant learning experience, and has given me such drive in my pursuit to help others. Together with your staying power, we will make a positive change in the lives of many. I am so very proud to have you as my Daddy. God knew exactly what he was doing when he blessed me with a Dad like you. God is Awesome, and so are you Papi. Thank you for simply being you.
Love Ya, Jaki